Mountains of Steez Day at Granite Gorge - Keene, NH
Mountains of Steez Day or MOS for short, ran for 4 consecutive years at Granite Gorge Mountain in Keene, NH. The day was originally designed as a way to get people to mountain and help gain exposure. Utilizing Steez Magazine, coupon cards were distributed throughout New England for a 2-for-1 lift ticket for an entire Saturday in Mid February each year, no strings attached. MOS day brought dozens of different vendors and was consistently the highest ticket sales day for the mountain 4 years in a row. Granite Gorge built a unique terrain park specifically for the event throughout the entire mountain. Giant party tents were brought in to host a lineup of outdoor music as well as an ice bar and beer garden. Contests were held by vendors individually or in conjunction with each other but were never meant to be overly serious. The mountain stayed open till 10pm and the highlight of the day was a tiki torch lit snake run in the woods that finished with a bonfire/gauntlet gap. Awards were handed out at the after party in the mountain bar and consisted of cases of 40's and Hot Pockets. Bonfires and fireworks followed. If you missed MOS day then you'll never know the actual shenanigans that went on...